Every weapon has its own effect so you have to decide what weapon is best in a situation to effectively knock your opponent out. You use the knockback effects to knock them into the deadly spots of a map. A direct hit with one of your weapons won't hurt your enemy but the knockback of these will push your enemy away.

This is done by pushing them with your weapons projectile. Therefor you get weapons from the start to frag your opponents. Q3knockOut changes your Quake experience in a very unique way: Scoring is not done by directly hit and kill your enemy, but by pushing him out of the area into the void or other deadly spots in a map like lava and such. Same goes for anything else useful which is Q3-related. If you dont see a mod on the list non-beta mods please by all means post a link. We are now offering sub-domain hosting for q3files. Latest News New sub-domain hosting available. ALSO If you come across any files that are corrupted please send me a email at stevenb mypop3. We will be updating soon for the new year! Thanks for supporting us in these 11 years online. And pride ourselves on being the 1 spot to find the latest to first created Q3 files. We have been serving up the same great filesource for Classic Q3 files for some time now.

Learn to setup a dedicated server, using our dedicated server tutorial. Learn to skin using our skinning tutorial. Welcome to q3files! A file base for quake 3 arena skins maps custom models, tweaks, tutorials, mods, patches, server query and more!